Scales and Weighing Equipment for Transfer Stations
A waste transfer station is a facility which is used for the collection and processing of mixed waste streams before it is transferred to another location for treatment or disposal.
Measurement lies at the heart of any waste transfer site, with weighing of incoming and outgoing waste absolutely critical to the site’s effective operation.
Trade approved weighing up to 100 tonnes with improved surface traction and rust/corrosion protection
Versatile, dependable, long-lasting scales with unbeatable structural integrity and cost effectiveness
BridgeMont steel deck weighbridges are available in a wide range of standard lengths and widths or can be custom built to your specifications.
Self-Contained Portable Axle Weighing System.
Wirelessly connect up to 8 weigh pads to obtain total vehicle weight.
Track raw materials into production and waste output to identify inefficiencies
Weighbridge style, high accuracy, in-motion axle weighing.
Weigh any vehicle up to 40,000 kg per axle.
The H520 heavy duty steel floor scale is designed for constant use in tough industrial environments. This platform scale features patented Weigh Bar technology.
Suitable for heavy washdown or other harsh industrial environments.
I-LINE2 is browser based train weight management software designed to display or print train weight data as it is captured.
Portable in-motion axle weighers
The MaxDec heavy duty floor scale is designed for high traffic and high capacity weighing up to 100,000 lbs.
We offer a range of printers to complement your weighing system and meet the precise needs of your operation.
Avery Weigh-Tronix remote displays allow clear, comfortable viewing of scale information at considerable distances, indoors and outdoors.
Designed for weighbridge & hopper weighing
Designed for weighbridge & hopper weighing
TraceWaste is an intelligent waste management solution that helps you to effectively report on business waste and identify cost efficiencies.
The TSR4000 rail weighing indicator has been specifically designed for dynamic train weighing. It can capture a weight in motion in excess of 50mph.
Allow drivers to complete weighing transactions 24/7 without leaving their vehicle
The Weighline rail scale is designed to provide rail car weights quickly, safely and affordably.
Total management reporting and control of your weighbridge operation, across one or multiple sites.
ZM201 Series indicators are ideal for applications that require a basic weighing indicator for performing Zero, Tare and Print functions
The ZM305 Standard weight indicator is ideal for floor scales, batching, vessels and for in motion conveyors.