Avery Weigh-Tronix Offers Anaerobic Digestion Site Sudit

The number of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plants in the UK has doubled in the last two years, according to the latest report from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

With 110 plants operating in England as of July 2013 and a further 200 having been granted planning permission, weighing manufacturer Avery Weigh-Tronix has launched a free Anaerobic Digestion site weighing audit.

Jim Harper, Key Account Manager at Avery Weigh-Tronix, says, “Our free audit is designed for those either planning or operating an AD plant. It will enable organisations to tap into our wealth of experience in providing weighbridges and weighing solutions into the waste recycling markets and agricultural market sectors.

“We’re seeing an increasing number of enquiries for AD projects that require the latest in weighing equipment. There’s already a recognition in the marketplace that weighing raw materials is absolutely vital to the success of the AD process but, as Vice President of the UK Weighing Federation, I’m keen to work with the industry to raise awareness of the need for equipment supplied to be absolutely fit for purpose and suitable for the environment in which it will be used.”

A recent Avery Weigh-Tronix installation at Malaby Biogas AD site in Warminster, would not have been able to operate without an accurate and reliable weighbridge system.

Added to that, with the site located on hilly land, the application benefited from the fact that the BMS weighbridge supplied can be installed on a gradient as a standard feature thus alleviating the need for costly foundations.

Thomas Minter, Director at Malaby Biogas, an AD site in Warminster, commented, “The anaerobic digestion site’s processes use a formula that requires a combination of specific raw materials to be mixed in controlled quantities. Therefore, accurately weighing the bulk waste that goes into the plant is very important to ensure consistency and to provide the required electrical output. The weighbridge will be fundamental in monitoring quantities of waste coming in to the site and weighing digestate as it goes off site, so reliability and performance are key factors to our organisation.”


To find out more about the weighbridge installation at Malaby Biogasread the full case study here.