Forklift Truck Scale Offers Easier Loading and Safer Operation

PalletFORCE transports freight across the UK via a collective of haulers. At its central hub in Lichfield, vehicles must be turned around quickly to meet delivery deadlines and loaded evenly to ensure that the lorry is safe to travel.

The company realised that weighing could improve loading accuracy and chose the robust Avery Weigh-Tronix Forklift Truck Scale after testing seven different designs. The units were fitted to the new fleet of 29 Caterpillar trucks at the hub.

Eliminating Guesswork

Typical weighing systems require the forklift truck driver to make repeat visits to a floor scale remote from the loading area. Like other operators, PalletFORCE estimated the weight of the pallets to avoid adding any additional steps into its streamlined process.

The Avery Weigh-Tronix scale fits on to the truck easily without welding and enables the driver to lift, weigh, move, and record a pallet in one operation. An eye-level display guides the driver through the loading process and records the deck position of each pallet. This ensures safe and even weight distribution.

PalletFORCE can also load the maximum number of pallets on to each trailer, helping to reduce fuel costs.


  • Robust, durable design – for maximum uptime and superior reliability.
  • The driver can make an educated decision about where to place a pallet – assisting safe weight distribution.
  • A properly loaded vehicle is unlikely to roll over – protecting brand and company reputation.
  • Provides print out of the weight and position of each pallet – to prove due diligence in the event of a VOSA vehicle spot check.
  • Avoids fines for exceeding the weight limit and the high cost of incident clean ups and damaged stock.
  • Identifies exceptionally heavy pallets – ensuring correct handling.