Jay Howe, Safford’s Utilities & Public Works Director, had been looking into purchasing a scale to measure waste as it’s collected long before the copper mine became a permanent fixture in the community. The city owns and operates a landfill that charges for the waste by truckload, rather than by ton. Trucks carrying this waste were supposed to haul only eight yards (7.3m) of materials at a time, but this served only as an estimate. Often, the waste loads were so compacted that they equated to ten yards (9.1m) instead. These excessive loads did not comply with city regulations and caused undue stress on the city’s roads.
“After looking through our reports, I noticed that the amount of waste collected was estimated by truckload, rather than weighed, making it challenging for us to accurately determine whether we’re in compliance,” Howe said. “With a scale, we know exactly how many tons of waste we’re collecting, which helps keep us accountable.”
Howe examined products from more than a dozen different manufacturers to find the right scale for the job. Howe found that an Avery Weigh-Tronix truck scale solution was well suited for the city’s application.
“Avery Weigh-Tronix had a proven track record for excellent products and customer service, and when we compared prices and service, they came out on top,” Howe said.
Following a period of consultation, the City of Safford purchased two truck scales. The products were selected due to the reliability the scales offered and their compatibility with the city’s existing billing software, which would be used in conjunction with this new equipment. The ensuing installation process also proved to be critical to the success of the project.
Regional Sales Manager Mike Pierce and several additional Avery Weigh-Tronix employees – hailing from offices located from Santa Rosa, California to Fairmont, Minnesota – all played their own roles in the installation. Service managers worked alongside technicians, drilling holes and helping out when needed. Pierce said the combined team work and effective communication between the city workers and Avery Weigh-Tronix employees made this installation one of the easiest he’s done.
“Our goal is not only to stand behind our products, but also help our customers use these products successfully,” Pierce said. “The sales staff, service managers and city technicians all worked together as one, and when the truck scales arrived, everything went like clockwork.”
Howe said the company and its products have continued to meet all the city’s expectations, and the teamwork that resulted from this project has left a lasting impression on all those involved. “There was a seamless connection with us and the City of Safford in that we were one big entity working together for a common goal,” Pierce said. “And it paid off in a big way.”